Tuesday, July 11

Kanu Nwankwo Reveals How His Wife Saved His Life Many Years Ago

The Arsenal/Nigerian football legend, Kanu Nwankwo had open heart surgery in 1996 and many years later said early detection by his wife helped avert what might have been a second tragedy. He revealed that his wife Amara didn’t just save his life, but nursed him back to health according to Daily Mirror.

One night, after their three children were in bed and the couple were enjoying the peace and quiet as they prepared to go to bed, Amara was listening to the former striker’s heartbeat and noticed something unusual so she encouraged him to get it checked immediately. Considering that more than a decade earlier, Kanu had needed lifesaving open-heart surgery after being diagnosed with a heart valve defect, he took her advice and it led to the discovery that indeed all was not well, so treatment began immediately.

She recalls: “His heartbeat sounded much louder than normal. I was listening to his chest and it sounded odd.”

Kanu says: “She was saying I should go for a check-up so I took her advice.”

The result of the test showed that Kanu had further damage to his heart and he urgently needed a second operation.

“It was the same faulty valve,” she says. “It was like a ticking time bomb. It’s just one of those things we were lucky to find out.”

You should actually always be conscious of not just your body, but the bodies of your spouses and children.

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