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Wednesday, October 2
Friday, March 2
What's Steemit. A Quick Explanation To Kindred Steemers.
Okay Guys and Gals. Steemit is exploding!
Individuals are making a huge number of dollars and in case you're perusing this, I'm willing to wager that you need to be a piece of this staggering new group as well.
In any case, (and it's a major however) it's super muddled and can be befuddling as all damnation!
Well dread not my kindred trying Steemers. I'll separate everything for you.
What's more, I won't get excessively specialized in light of the fact that I'm not a specialist.
Be that as it may, I can give you the easiest rendition of everything that you have to know to begin!
What is Steemit?
Steemit is an informal organization that looks and capacities a great deal like Reddit, however with one HUGE contrast:
Steemit pays both the substance designers when their work gets upvoted, and the general population who clergyman the best substance on the site by upvoting others work.
This is conceivable in light of the fact that the Steemit stage is based over another sort of computerized cash. (Think Bitcoin, which is another sort of advanced cash that has been around for some time.)
Consistently, new units of the cash are made by the system and conveyed to its clients, who can trade these computerized cash units for genuine cash.
What's more, it doesn't cost a dime to begin.
You can make a Steemit client represent free, at this moment, and be distributing your substance specifically to the webpage inside minutes utilizing Steemit's worked in blogging/distributing instruments.
In case you're incredulous now, I get it. I was as well.
Be that as it may, it's unquestionably the genuine article.
So we should make a plunge. I'll demonstrate to you how everything functions.
How does Steemit function?
In some ways, Steemit is like other advanced monetary standards. For instance, Steemit money units can be exchanged, purchased, and sold on the open market simply like the majority of the other computerized monetary standards.
With different digital forms of money like Bitcoin, the real cash units that are made every day are circulated to the general population who run an extraordinary bitcoin programming program on their PCs that play out a procedure called Bitcoin Mining. The measure of figuring influence you have directs how much cash you get.
Steemit takes into consideration cash mining also, however it's not the essential method to procure cash. Consistently, new Steemit cash units that are made by the system and circulated to the general population who draw in with the site. The more you draw in, the more you get.
Individuals who make content are compensated for their substance. Individuals who upvote content are remunerated for serving to clergyman the best substance accessible on the site. Analysts who add to the dialogs are paid as well.
The 3 Steemit Currency Units:
The principal thing you have to comprehend is that there are three various types of Steemit money units.
We have Steem, Steem Power, and
Steem Dollars.
Befuddling right? It was for me. In any case, it will all bode well in a moment.
Steem are the units that are purchased and sold for genuine cash on the open markets. You can exchange them as you would bitcoins or an organization's stock.
However, you would prefer not to clutch these for a really long time since more Steem Units are made each and every day. In the event that you clutch Steem Units for quite a while, they will wind up weakened and lose esteem.
Steem Power:
Owning Steem Power Units is basically similar to making a long haul interest in the cash since you can't offer Steem Power Units for a long time. However, there are a considerable measure of good motivations to have Steem Power.
By keeping your cash as Steem Power Units, you will have the capacity to profit over the long haul since you basically have possession in the system. As the system develops, so will your bit of the pie.
Furthermore, you'll be vigorously remunerated en route. The way things are set up now, 90% of the new Steem Currency that is produced each and every day is circulated to the general population who as of now hold Steem Power Units as extra Steem Units. (The other 10% goes to content makers and keepers).
Half of the compensation you get for your substance will be in Steem Power Units.
Additionally, the more Steem Power Units you have, the more your curation vote will tally. You will have more effect on the site and you will likewise get paid more to upvoting other individuals' work. (When you upvote somebody's work, they will get paid more too.)
Steem Power Units additionally play one last and essential part. They forestall gigantic value swings and unpredictability on the open markets. Since everybody is secured for a long time, we can't all offer our money at the same time if the market begins to plunge, which would crash the cost were it to happen.
Steem Dollars:
Steem Dollars are the third and last type of the cash and never get weakened or lose their esteem. They are intended to be a steady money that you can offer whenever. When you make well known substance, half of your compensation will be in Steem Dollars.
Also, you'll be compensated for holding Steem dollars as well. It's not so much as the prizes for holding Steem Power. But since despite everything it keeps the cash in the system, holding Steem Dollars pays 10% premium.
When you gain Steem Dollars for making content, you have three options:
1) You can change over the Steem Dollars to Steem and offer it quickly on the open market for genuine cash, basically getting the money for out.
2) You can hold the Steem Dollars, which keeps the cash in the system and pays you 10% premium. You can offer them whenever. In the event that you figure the esteem will go up and need to offer eventually sooner rather than later, this is your best alternative.
3) You can trade your Steem Dollars for Steem Power. In the event that you need to put resources into the fate of the money and receive the greatest benefits, this is the best approach to do it.
How are the recently made Steem circulated every day?
Consistently 90% of the new Steem units are compensated to the general population who hold Steem Power Units.
10% of the new Steem units are paid to content makers, guardians, and analysts.
When you make content that really procures cash, half is paid to you in Steem Dollar Units that can be traded for genuine cash immediately (or changed over into Steem Power). The other half is paid in Steem Power. The Steem Power Units are bolted up for a long time.
The most effective method to money out your income:
When you begin acquiring Steem and you need to really money out, what do you do?
Well fortunate for you, a few different Steemers have made fabulous aides for doing only that. So as opposed to go all specialized on you, I will pass you along to the general population who can clarify it superior to anything I can.
Presently you've been paid in steem dollars a What would it be a good idea for you to do?
BlockTrades includes bolster for specifically purchasing/offering Steem.
Why you should begin now:
The short answer is that you don't have anything to lose. It is 100% allowed to join and you can really get paid for your work!
Unless you are an expert essayist, you're not going to locate this sort of activity anyplace else.
Additionally, Steemit is developing at an unstable pace! Many new clients are running in each and every day. Also, despite the fact that it's just been around for a couple of months, it's now turned out to be one of the main five computerized monetary standards as far as market capitalization.
Over the most recent 24 hours alone, the estimation of a Steem has expanded a mind bowing 277%!!!
Keep in mind, Bitcoins were essentially useless at an opportune time, yet are currently worth near $700. You have the chance to get in on the ground floor of another money without spending a penny, yet in addition to be a piece of a mind boggling new interpersonal organization.
The most effective method to begin:
First of all, you have to setup your record. You should utilize your Facebook record or Reddit account as you do this to check that you are who you say you are. Your record will be extremely important so make a point to set a protected secret word.
Your Steem account is worth cash! Instructions to secure it with another proprietor key to keep it yours eternity
Making your first post:
To begin distributing content, you should simply click "Present a Story" at the upper right of the screen.
When distributing content, it's critical to design your articles in a way that will make them simple to peruse. Utilize pictures, headings, and subheadings to separate long pieces of content.
Utilize the "" catch in the proofreader to actuate the statement include while citing somebody. What's more, give the statement its own particular line this way
(The statement designing catch resembles this
Nobody ever needs to peruse a strong mass of content, so setting aside the opportunity to design your article in a way that makes it charming to peruse will be significant.
Posting Images:
The way things are at the present time, there is no real way to transfer your pictures to the Steemit site so posting pictures in your articles will require a workaround. The most effortless route is to utilize https://imgsafe.org.
You should simply make a free record and transfer your photos.
(It appears like the serveres at imgsafe.org are down. Utilize https://ipfs.pics. It's an extraordinary option.)
When you have a picture transferred, essentially click it, and duplicate the URL for the photo. Imgsafe gives each photo its own exceptional URL that you will use in Steemit to embed the photo into your post.
In the Steemit editorial manager press the embed picture catch and glue the duplicated picture URL. (On the off chance that the URL begins with HTTP://transform it to HTTPS://when you glue it into Steemit.)
What to expound on?
That is the million-dollar question, would it say it isn't? The best counsel I can give you is to investigate the inclining subjects/labels and additionally the slanting posts inside those areas and see what sort of substance individuals are reacting to.
The introduceyourself tag is hot right now and an incredible place to begin.
Here is my presentation post for instance.
This might be useful also: The Secret Formula to a Successful "IntroduceYourself" Post...And The #1 Mistake to Avoid .
Attempt to recollect that it's not about how much time you spend making a bit of substance, yet how significant/engaging it is to every other person. Attempt to make content that conveys the most esteem.
So my kindred Steemers, I have one inquiry for you: what are you sitting tight for?
Get out there and begin making!
With respect to me, I'm in it for the whole deal. See all of you on the opposite side!
You can register here
Sunday, November 5
How A Homeless Man Turned General Overseer Of A Nigerian Pentecostal Church
How A Homeless Man Turned
General Overseer Of A Nigerian
Pentecostal Church
The story of Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere,
General Overseer of Omega Power Ministry
Worldwide (OPM) is likely to provide the needed
tonic that will ginger you to call the bluff of life’s
challenges and succeed.
The clergyman’s life experience and eventual
journey to the top is also likely to serve as a
spinal transplant for those who have lost the
backbone of focus and determination.
Incidentally, his church also holds out hope for
the less privileged including prostitutes to acquire
skills that will enable them live decent lives.
Up till 2004, Apostle Chinyere whose church rates
as one of the largest in Rivers State, lived in the
valley of life. For years, he lived under the bridge
at the Ogudu area of Ojota in Lagos. Later, he
moved to Diobu, generally regarded as Port
Harcourt’s Ajegunle.
Within that same period, he eked out living from
selling GSM re-change cards.
By dint of divine touch and handwork, Apostle
Chinyere now shepherds hundreds of thousands
of faithfuls and has left no avenue unexplored to
give hope to the hopeless.
In recent years, his church has spread the gospel
of hope to the shanties of Port Harcourt, Prison
yards and brothels within and outside the Rivers
State capital.
The Christian organization runs free computer
programmes for less privileged slum dwellers,
prison inmates and prostitutes. This is aside the
free schools and other skill acquisition schemes
of the church for its members and non-members
Speaking recently at the graduation of about 120
persons who went through its five-month
Diploma Course in computer and Information
Technology organized for residents of Bundu
Waterfront, one of the Port Harcourt slums, the
clergyman said his heart goes to the poor
because he was one of them.
“I want to touch the lives of the less privileged. I
was living under the bridge, an ordinary re-
charge card seller. I have real feelings for the less
privileged and that is why I want to empower
“Since God did it for me, I believe he would make
some others very great. We are doing what we do
for those who cannot pay back”.
Apostle Chinyere told Daily Sun that the church
chose Bundu Waterside because it is populated
by the less privileged.
“There is high level poverty there. I will not do it
in GRA because people in GRA have money to go
to school. “Go there (Bundu) and see how people
are living. People live near waterside, inside
shanties. I feel for them, having remembered how
I was some years ago, and wish to give them the
best of computer education.
“For sustainability of the programme, we have
given many of them employment. We have so
many Chief Executives in the church and we have
referred so many of the beneficiaries of the
programme to places to work. So, as we speak
with these employers, they employ them”.
The OPM General Overseer explained that the
various empowerment programmes of the church
are open to members and non-members of the
church. He advised the youth within and around
the state to avail themselves of the programme
and become gainfully employed.
He assured that although the various
programmes gulp several millions of Naira, the
church would not be deterred.
“The challenges are so much because the project
runs into millions of Naira but we won’t stop.
“We have even gone ahead to offer 26
scholarships in Abia State. A few days ago, the
church offered another 36 scholarships, one
recipient from each of the 36 States of the
Federation to study to any level in the university”.
He frowned at the high school fees being charged
by many educational institutions owned by
religious organizations in the country and
accused the church of contributing far below
expectation to national development.
“A lot of churches have not done enough. If you
look around, you will find some churches that
build schools and their fees are unbelievably too
high for the poor.
“That is why OPM started building schools. We
give them school uniforms, free books and they
don’t pay school fees. They just come to school
and learn”.
Boko Haram’s Abubakar Shekau, Makes The List Of Most Powerful Muslims In The World Again
President Muhammadu Buhari, the Sultan of
Sokoto, Abubakar Saad; and Boko Haram leader,
Abubakar Shekau, have again been listed among
the most powerful Muslims in the world.
This is contained in a Muslim publication, The
Muslim 500 in its 2018 edition.
The publication noted that there were
approximately 1.84 billion Muslims in the world,
making up 24.38 per cent of the world’s
Last year, the trio also made the list of most
influential Muslims in the world.
Why I Turned Down Davido's Offer-CDQ Explains
CDQ has explained why he turned Davido down,
saying he was already signed to a record label at
the time Davido threw the option of signing him
to his record label at him. He however admitted if
he had accepted Davido's offer, it wouldn't have
been a bad one for him.
He said;
“If I had taken up Davido’s offer, I think I would
have done better for myself, but you have to think
of other things too. It may have affected my
music career as well because he is an artiste like
me and he has a career to keep. Davido is a
great person. Despite his success, whenever we
are together, he is still humble.”
I Don’t Want To Be Castrated, Sadiq Daba Cries Out
In an industry where the term ‘veteran’ has been
bastardised, one man that truly merits that title is
actor, Sadiq Daba. Sadly, he is not having the
best of times and enjoying the acclaim that a true
veteran deserves.
Daba has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
This is coming barely months after the actor was
hospitalised for months due to leukemia.
Sunday Scoop put a call through to him during
the week to find out how he was doing. “Right
now, I have a catheter inserted into my penis to
ease the movement of urine. I have been in and
out of hospitals for a while now. Next week, I
also have to go for a biopsy to determine if I
would need to do a major surgery. I have
leukemia to battle with, then this prostate issue
comes in. The pain is just too much for me,” he
stated, explaining his journey so far.
“I have been receiving treatment at LASUTH and
OAUTH and the doctors have been wonderful.
I was told that one of the side effects of the surgery
is that my testicles would have to be removed.
That means I would be castrated and I don’t think
I want that. The other option is that I would have
to take injections that would cost N150,000 every
two months, and I have to take it for about two
years. You can imagine what the total cost would
be,” he added.
On whether members of the movie industry have
been helpful to him, Daba said, “A few of my
colleagues have been wonderful; they have tried
to help as much as they can. The DGs of NTA,
Censors Board, and the president of PMAN have
also been of help. I can’t start carrying bowls and
be going all about the place begging for money. I
believe I have paid my dues. For those who know
about my situation and want to help, they are
welcome. Everything that I have to do is tied to
money. There is no drug that is cheap.”
Mum breaks down after losing her 3-year old son, Ayden Brown to cancer
Sad! Mum breaks down after losing her 3-year old son, Ayden Brown to cancer After a long battle with stage 4 lung cancer, three-year-old Ayden Brown of Las Vegas died on Friday. According to his mother, Lindsey Licari who is broken beyond words 'today my son lost his fight with cancer and my life will never be the same' she wrote.
She also announced that his eyes will be donated to kids in dire need of it so they could see the world through his eyes. Read her touching tribute below... Today, I lost my son. In this world, there was not one doctor, one person that could offer my son any options at all. And he aspirated and stopped breathing. And I tried to do CPR and bring Ayden back. But I wasn’t able to. And they tried again, the hospital six times. And even when I saw lines straight, I still knew God could still help him. But Ayden’s body couldn’t take anymore. So today, I lost Ayden because we live in a world that doesn’t prepare for child cancer. And I am broken in so many ways. But they messed with the wrong mom and the wrong kid. Childhood cancer will never be the same now after Ayden. And I will never stop. I will never stop, until you guys stop letting these kids die. Because my son fought to live. He fought his whole life. He fought his whole life to live. And you filled him with poison until his organs couldn’t take it anymore and his body fell apart. So you think they took my son and it’s not going to change something about cancer? Then you’re wrong. Because that little boy was my entire life. He was my entire life. And I had to watch my son dwindle away in front of my face and there was nothing I could do about it. There was nothing I could do about it no matter how much help I could get my son.
No matter who I called, there was nothing I could do. But I knew if this disease was going to take Ayden, everybody in the world would know who my son is. Everybody will know Ayden Setoshi Brown. He was three years old. He could tell you every planet in the solar system. He was phenomenally smart and he loved me so much and I loved him too. He didn’t deserve to die. These kids don’t deserve to die. And if I can do anything in my power, I will make sure that no mother feels how I feel today and have to put their kid in a bag.
Saturday, November 4
Photo: Senator Dino Melaye Exposes His Attackers
The senator posted the photo on his IG saying
they are two out of many boys sent to attack him
in Kogi. He said the police just nabbed them,
hence the post.
Wednesday, November 1
Former Lagos State Governor, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu Loses Son, Jide
Former Lagos State Governor, Asiwaju Bola
Ahmed Tinubu, who is one of Nigeria’s most
respected and front line politicians, has lost his
son, Jide to the cold hands of death.
The death of his son was revealed by the
Chairman of Lagos State faction of the All
Progressives Congress, APC in a statement
“It’s with regrets that I inform you of the demise
of Mr. Jide Tinubu, the Son of Our dear and
esteemed Leader, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.”
What led to the demise of the politician's son is
still sacred.
Late Jide was a law graduate of the University of
Liverpool, England. He obtained a Masters degree
in Maritime Law from the University of London
and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1999
Former EFCC's Twitter handler Olufemi Olukayode Adeyemi 'F.Shaw' employed by Union Bank
Union Bank of Nigeria has employed former
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission's
Twitter handler, Olufemi Olukayode Adeyemi aka
An excited 'F.Shaw' took to his Twitter page
today to announce the good news.
'Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to
announce that I am joining #TeamUnion
@UNIONBANK_NG,' he wrote on Twitter.
'F.Shaw', also a rapper, was popularly known for
his witty and humorous tweets while he was
working with the EFCC.
Who says I cannot even buy a better car?-Governor Fayose
Ekiti state Governor, Mr Ayo Fayose, has finally
reacted to the fire accident that burnt his
luxurious Mercedes Gwagon in Lagos.
Speaking on a monthly Radio and Television
Programme monitored by INDEPENDENT in Ado-
Ekiti, Fayose, who said he would neither be
swayed nor distracted by the incident, also
thanked God for saving his life.
He said;
“Some people went and set fire on
my car. Anyway, I did not want to
go into the controversy now. I am
leaving everything in the hand of
God because where there is life,
there is hope. Who says I cannot
even buy a better car?
Egypt Lawyer Declares that It is Part Of National Duty To Rape Women Who Wear Ripped Jeans
An Egyptian lawyer has sparked outrage and he
revealed he believes women who wear ripped
jeans deserved to be raped.
Nabih al-Wahsh was speaking during the Infirad
Show, a current affairs talk show in Egypt hosted
by Saeid Hasaseen.
Incredibly, Wahsh said it was part of the ‘national
duty’ to rape women wearing such garments
because they were “inviting men to harass them”.
He also said that his view was even more valid if
the jeans were ripped from the back, according to
Al Arabiya.
He said: “Girls must respect themselves so
others respect them.
“Protecting morals is more important than
protecting borders.” Brave female guests on the
show attempting to fight back against Wahsh’s
views after being outraged by his comments.
The debate was aired on October 19 on the Al-
Assema satellite channel as guests discussed the
country’s draft law fighting prostitution and
Maya Mursi, Head of the National Council for
Women’s Rights said the comments were a
“flagrant call” for rape and violate ‘everything in
the Egyptian constitution.
The council has now filed a complaint about the
statement to the Supreme Council for Media
But despite the backlash, Wahsh has refused to
back down, and has even released an updated
statement to another media website where he
said ‘his daughter would also deserve that [rape,
sexual harassment] if she decided to wear jeans
that are ripped from the back’. Wahsh’s
damaging comments come as a recent #MeToo
campaign has taken over social media.
Women around the world are sharing the two
simple words on social media to show the true
scale of sexual assault.
Lil Kesh was recently deported from the USA,rumor
Rumor has it that Nigerian rapper, Keshinro
Ololade popularly known as Lil Kesh, was recently
deported from the United States, and might not
be entering the country anytime soon.
The singer & indigenous rapper, was denied entry
at the point of Entry with the immigration officers
in USA.
The star visa was canceled and was immediately
put on the next flight back to Nigeria.
Reports by HeadOfSocials claim that his ban
might be lifted after 5 years.
The Ultimate Shortcuts To Remember People's Name
A name is the first thing you have to learn and
remember when you meet any person, particularly
for the first time.
Some are upset when those they think should
remember them fail to recall their names and one
of the reasons for this is because we tend to see
new faces every day. It could also be
embarrassing to ask people repeatedly what their
name is.
Many have fallen victim of not remembering even
the names of people they have met such persons
on more than 2 or more occasions. See
shortcuts to remembering people's name
Strong desire.
Any wholesome desire begins to be turned into
action when a person makes a conscious
decision. If you want to remember the names of
people, then take this conscious decision. Stop
referring to the “bad memory.” Forgetting names
is not due to bad memory but to reluctance to
use it. It is a banal laziness. Every time when you
go to a meeting, a party, a festival, remember
your decision and it will help you.
Concentrate and be interested in it.
People easily remember what they see right in
front of them. However, if they get distracted, then
memory begins to fail. Therefore, you should
concentrate on two important things: the first
mention of the person’s name when meeting, and
formation of a person’s image. That is, you just
need not miss a name. If you have not heard it,
then ask again. Connect the name with a detailed
impression of the physical characteristics of a
person. Use all your senses to make a detailed
portrait of the person. Even the smell can help
Name in the image.
The image, continuing the thought, is a strong
support to the process of remembering a name.
Your memory speaks the language of images,
especially when it comes to the same names. If
you have a very big problem with remembering,
you can print photos and attach stickers with
names to them. It looks a little maniacal, but the
result will not keep you waiting.
Repeat a name.
There is a simpler memorizing technique. When
you meet new people, repeat their names several
times in the head. In addition, include a name in
the conversation, this will improve the chances of
remembering the name and, at the same time,
make you look more friendly. Repetition is a
crucial thing in remembering, you could already
understand that in your student and school years
when almost all people boned up on the
information that hardly penetrated their brains.
Add the name to the phone’s “contacts.”
A record of the name will never fail. You can type
it even without a number. It will not be
superfluous to add also a little information about
the person: where you met, what was the reason
for the acquaintance, who this person is, what the
conversation was about. If you are dealing with a
big number of people, then the habit of adding
contacts will serve you well.
This was shared on citypeoplemagazine
Tuesday, October 31
Closer Look! Photos Of Annie Ididia's Baby Bump
Here's a closer look of Annie Idibia's bump!
Annie who is married to music icon, Tuface Idibia
is expecting their 3rd child together. She was
pictured yesterday in Abuja addressing the ladies
who came out for her birthday outreach.
Closer Look! Photos Of Annie Ididia's Baby Bump
Here's a closer look of Annie Idibia's bump!
Annie who is married to music icon, Tuface Idibia
is expecting their 3rd child together. She was
pictured yesterday in Abuja addressing the ladies
who came out for her birthday outreach.
Four reasons why Ooni of Ife is the most loved monarch in Nigeria
Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi Ojajà II, The Ooni
of Ife: when you think of this great King, four
salient things come to mind and these are the
things that make this enigma the most loved
monarch in Nigeria as we speak!
Youthful : The time is gone when you think of
‘King’ and you imagine an aged man with a head
of white hair, shaky voice and ancient robes!
Today, you think of Kings and you instantly
picture a vibrant, Gucci wearing young monarch
like the great king of Ife! It is refreshing to have a
king who is youthful and fun!
Looks : Talk about looks and charm, the Ooni of
Ife has got it! Remember that time our own
Tubaba had an encounter with the king? All he
could really share from his meeting with the Ooni
was how good the king looked! This is one king
who has stolen hearts with his looks and charm,
now, no one is scared of having a king as a Boo,
if he looks like the Ooni of Ife!
Power : If there is a traditional ruler that
commands power, that ruler would be the Ooni of
Ife! The title alone will open doors and pave ways
in Nigeria. Association with the king in any way
is like a Visa into choice vacation places! We
have heard people say “I am the Ooni of Ife’s DJ”!
Single : Now, believe it or not, the fact that the
Ooni of Ife is single is also one giant reason he is
loved. Thousands of women are in a corner of
their rooms fantasizing on how cool it would be
to be the Queen. The great part is, the Ooni with
his power would always be ready to mingle…yes,
tradition allows!
These and many more things make 43 year old
Oba of Ife a highly revered, respected and loved
Odunlade Adekola is now one of the biggest fishes in the Nollywood river
Odunlade Adekola,
If a seer had told actor Odunlade Adekola about a
decade ago that he would be one of the biggest
fishes in the Nollywood river in ten years, he
probably would have laughed like the unbelieving
biblical Sarah!
Or not!
Considering the fact that the actor has always had
faith bigger than a mustard seed.
Odunlade today has gone from the ‘Sunday
Dagboru’, ‘Monday Omo Adugbo’ to ‘The
The movie producer has produced over ten
movies since his breakthrough in the industry but
this is the first time Odunlade is producing a
Cinema movie, a break from his usual!
The movie, ‘ The Vendor’ from the short scenes
seen on his page is a comedy with English,
Pidgin and Yoruba well infused to make it a
standard cinema movie.
For the first time Odun is working with actress
Adunni Ade and some other top stars in the
business of acting.
We already foresee another box office smasher!
Kudos to Odunlade who has been able to leave
his comfort zone and try his hands on something
extra! We can’t wait to see ‘ The Vendor’ !
Odunlade and Adunni
Former Ooni Of Ife’s Wife, Olori Wuraola signs Partnership Deal With UAE
Since her movement from the palace of the Ooni
of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, the former wife of
the monarch has been on an all-time high!
After her shine at the last United Nations Week in
New York where she was endowed with the
“Humanitarian of the Year”, her Highness, Queen
Zaynab met with United Arab Emirate’s Minister of
Economy, His Excellency Sultan Bin Saeed Al
Mansoori to formalize the beginning of
international relations with the UAE Economic
sector to improve economic and cultural relations
between the United Arab Emirates and several
African nations.
The Bridge, under the patronage of Her Highness,
Queen Zaynab is an African Arab organization
formed to promote & improve cultural and
international relations between Arab countries in
the Middle East & Africa.
His Excellency, Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori
pledged his co-operation with Her Highness and
relevant ministries to aid in (social and economic)
developments of international and regional
activities that will enhance and improve trade
exchange and dealings between the Arab world
and Africa.
“Although there has been insufficient progress on
a global scale to merge both worlds, we are
optimistic for the future of relations. It is with
peace that The Bridge, in partnership with various
Heads of States and governments in the Middle
East will create economic and cultural sustainable
platforms to improve social enterprise and social
stigmas on both sides.
“Unity is a powerful engine of progress & I intend
to bridge that gap to create a union of cultural
understanding, peace, and advancement of
economic opportunities across Africa and The
middle east,” says Queen Zaynab.
Monday, October 30
Different Types of Business Strategies
A small company can use a number of business strategies, depending on its situation. For example, new companies may face different challenges than companies that are more established. Therefore, the business strategies they implement may be different from those of key competitors. Four types of business strategies include the growth, product differentiation, price skimming and acquisition strategy.
Growth Strategy
A growth strategy entails introducing new products or adding new features to existing products. Sometimes, a small company may be forced to modify or increase its product line to keep up with competitors. Otherwise, customers may start using the new technology of a competitive company. For example, cell phone companies are constantly adding new features or discovering new technology. Cell phone companies that do not keep up with consumer demand will not stay in business very long. A small company may also adopt a growth strategy by finding a new market for its products. Sometimes, companies find new markets for their products by accident. For example, a small consumer soap manufacturer may discover through marketing research that industrial workers like its products. Hence, in addition to selling soap in retail stores, the company could package the soap in larger containers for factory and plant workers.
Product Differentiation Strategy
Small companies will often use a product differentiation strategy when they have a competitive advantage, such as superior quality or service. For example, a small manufacturer or air purifiers may set themselves apart from competitors with their superior engineering design. Obviously, companies use a product differentiation strategy to set themselves apart from key competitors. However, a product differentiation strategy can also help a company build brand loyalty, according to the article "Porter's Generic Strategies" at QuickMBA.com.
Price-Skimming Strategy
A price-skimming strategy involves charging high prices for a product, particularly during the introductory phase. A small company will use a price-skimming strategy to quickly recover its production and advertising costs. However, there must be something special about the product for consumers to pay the exorbitant price. An example would be the introduction of a new technology. A small company may be the first to introduce a new type of solar panel. Because the company is the only one selling the product, customers that really want the solar panels may pay the higher price. One disadvantage of a price-skimming is that it tends to attract competition relatively quickly, according to the Small Business Administration. Enterprising individuals may see the profits the company is reaping and produce their own products, provided they have the technological know-how.
Acquisition Strategy
A small company with extra capital may use an acquisition strategy to gain a competitive advantage. An acquisition strategy entails purchasing another company, or one or more product lines of that company. For example, a small grocery retailer on the east coast may purchase a comparable grocery chain in the Midwest to expand its operations.
By Rick Suttle
Friday, August 4
Losing My Mother Has Caused Me Great Pain- Gov Aregbesola While receiving Kwara State Governor, Fatai
Kwara State Governor, Fatai
Ahmed on a condolence visit, Osun State
Governor, Rauf Aregbesola has expressed how
painful the death of his mother has been since
losing her on Tuesday. Speaking about the loss
and pain, he said;
“My mother would have been 85 years in the next
few weeks if she had not died, but even at 90
years, I will not wish her dead. So it is a deep
sorrow that I have to lose my mother as her
death was not only shocking but painful to me
“Her death has made me to know further that it is
very tough to lose one’s mother, aside looking
good on camera, within me, I have a feeling of
great loss, but I am consoled with the
voluminous condolences and expression of
sympathies and love from all quarters.
“This is an attestation to the fact that my mother
is very happy in her new station most especially
for the expression of concerns and sympathies
received across faiths and personalities from all
walks of life. “May God translate all these grieves,
condolences to rewards for my mother wherever
she is now and grant her soul the best place in
the Aljana Fridao (paradise). “May Allah spare the
lives of those she left behind and make us live
Donald Trump 'Approves Sale' Of Military Planes To Nigeria
The White House has given the go-ahead for the
sale of military planes to Nigeria to aid in the fight
against Boko Haram, the AP news agency is
President Donald Trump told President
Muhammadu Buhari in a phone conversation in
February that he backed the deal.
The deal, said to be worth up to $600m (£490m),
was agreed by the Obama administration, but
was reportedly halted on the day it was due to be
sent to Congress, after a catastrophic incident
involving the Nigerian military.
About 90 people, mainly women and children,
were killed in January when the Nigerian Air Force
mistakenly bombed a camp in the north-east,
which was hosting thousands of those who had
fled Boko Haram. AFP now says President Trump
had approved sales.
“Igbo fools, their girls are prostitutes, I slept with 3 last night": Nigerian Police Officer Salihu Ajanaku sparks outrage after leaving hate comment
A Nigerian police officer left a very hateful,
tribalistic comment on Facebook that sparked
Salihu Ajanaku, who is from Kwara state,
dropped a comment on a post, insulting the
Igbos. He described Igbos as fools, adding that
they are the most useless ethnic group in
Nigeria. He called their men kidnappers and
ritualists then went on to shame Igbo women,
calling them all prostitutes and claimed he had
sexual relations with three Igbo women the night
He wrote: "Ibo fools, Ibo idiots, Ibo mumu, Ibos
are the most useless ethnic group in Nigeria,
their girls are into prostitution for a living,
Sincerely I slept with 3 last night. "Three
sum". Now talk of their men, Ye paa! They’re
robbers, kidnappers and ritualists. Awon olori
buruku, konidadfun your mama and your papa"
His comment got a lot of replies, with so many
of them calling him out for what he wrote but he
was unrepentant and stood his ground.
See his hilarious post below.
Photos: Cristiano Ronaldo's expectant girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez shows off her growing baby bump during lavish yacht holiday
Cristiano Ronaldo and his expectant girlfriend,
Georgina Rodriguez were spotted enjoying some
romantic time-out on board a yacht on
Georgina who is thought to be five months
along with their first child was seen cradling her
growing bump in a striking red bikini. The
model was also spotted planting a kiss on the
Real Madrid striker during their lavish yacht
See more photos below...
Usher's wife doesn't care that a woman is suing him for infecting her with STD after unprotected sex
There were reports that a woman is suing singer
Usher for allegedly giving her herpes after
having unprotected sex with him earlier this
year. For those who think this could affect his
marriage, think again. Read the TMZ report
Usher and his wife, Grace Miguel , are rock solid
on the heels of the $20 million lawsuit against
him for allegedly giving a woman herpes ...
TMZ has learned.
Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... Grace
isn't concerned at all about the allegation Usher
slept with a woman, who sued as Jane Doe, at
least twice this year. We're told Grace, who's
been Mrs. Usher for 2 years, isn't giving the
lawsuit any weight.
Our sources say the woman suing has a history
with Usher. She was a close friend of his first
wife, Tameka Harris, and attended their 2007
wedding. We're told Usher believes she has a
thing against him, and has for a long time.
That's why Grace is paying her no mind.
As we first reported ... the woman wants $20
mil from Usher for allegedly giving her herpes.
Jay-Z’s Album 4:44 Not Platinum?
So Jay-Z lied about his album’s numbers?
According to BuzzAngle, Jay-Z’s current album,
4:44, actually sold much less than 500,000
copies or downloads.
4:44 did not reach platinum status, despite the
RIAA issuing him a platinum plaque for that
photo op last month.
Jay-Z’s people claimed the rap mogul’s album
was downloaded or streamed aver a million times
in one week. But even that is a lie according to
some reports online.
“The fact that 4:44 has sold so much less than
500,000 is startling,” writes Roger Friedman on
his Showbiz411 blog.
According to BuzzAngle, ''4:44 has sold a total of
264,100 albums. That includes CDs and
downloads but not streaming. If you count in
streaming, including singles, the number still
comes only to 364,000.
This is a far cry from the 500,000 level that the
RIAA requires for a gold record, and 1 million
copies shipped for platinum. Still, the RIAA
awarded Jay Z a platinum album based on private
sales through Tidal streaming and direct
deliveries to Sprint customers.''
Britons Now Buy Made-In-Nigeria Suits – FG
The Federal Government’s policy of patronising
made-in-Nigeria goods by the citizens is yielding
results as some citizens of the United Kingdom
now order for Nigeria locally made suits,
Vanguard claims.
This came as Nigerian citizens residing in China
have appealed to the Federal Government to
involve them in any bilateral relations so that
they could make some expertise inputs that will
benefit the country.
Senior Special Assistant to the President on
Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Matters, Mrs. Abike
Dabiri-Eruwa, who disclosed the remarkable
improvement the made-in-Nigeria goods have
made when she received some Nigerians living in
the United Kingdom and the People Republic of
China, who paid her a visit at the Presidential
Villa, said the economic challenges the
administration met had helped it to look inwards.
She advised the youths to be good ambassadors
of the country and identify with the Government at
their home country.
She said: “We have people like you in the
Diaspora that are doing great things anywhere in
the world.
The passion that you also bring to your country
is very encouraging. There are some who came
to the UK and they decided that they were going
to sew their suits in Nigeria.
“These are British citizens who decided that the
suits they got in Nigeria were better than the one
they saw in their host country and got our locally
made designers to make these suits for them and
they do them in dozens.”
Lady Who Convinced Teenage Boyfriend To Kill Himself Sentenced To 2.5 Years In Prison
The Massachusetts woman who convinced her
teenage boyfriend to kill himself via text
messages as been sentenced to 2.5 years in prison
Judge Leonard Muniz convicted Carter of
involuntary manslaughter in June after she
waived a jury trial and took her chances with a
bench trial.
Muniz ordered the 20-year-old to serve 15
months of her sentence with the rest suspended
followed by 5 years probation after she’s
The judge took into consideration that Conrad,
then 18, had a history of suicide attempts in the 2
years prior to his death.
The prosecution had urged the judge to sentence
Carter to 20 years in prison. But many in the
legal community expressed doubts that Carter
would serve more than 2 months.
Carter was convicted of encouraging then-
boyfriend Conrad Roy to take his own life by
locking himself in his truck and inhaling carbon
monoxide in July 2014.
After the 18-year-old died, Carter texted friends
boasting that she had the power to stop him but
she didn’t.
She also texted a friend saying Conrad lost his
nerve and got out of the truck.
Carter texted that she “told him to get back in.”
Text messages shows Carter pressuring Conrad
to kill himself in the weeks leading up to his
death. She promised him she would be there to
“comfort” his parents and lead them to his body.
Instead — after Conrad died — she texted his
sister, Camden Roy, and asked, “Hey, do you
know where your brother is?”
Then she texted his mom the next day, “Oh, hey,
have you heard from Conrad?”
Conrad’s aunt, Kim Bozzi, told ABC News she
believes Carter “has a damaged moral core.”
“I don’t think that she helped him kill himself,”
Bozzi, told ABC’s 20/20. “I think she forced him
to kill himself. I think she was responsible for his
I’m Ready To Fund Additional Police Area Commands, One In Ikorodu & and Badagry- Ambode
Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State
yesterday, requested for two additional Police
Area Commands, saying they would go a long
way in tackling the nefarious activities of
criminally minded persons once and for all.
Ambode, who made the request when the
Inspector General of Police, Mr. Idris Ibrahim paid
him a courtesy visit at the Lagos House in Ikeja,
said the additional Area Commands, if granted,
would be set up in Ikorodu and Badagry, assuring
that the State Government was ready to provide
the funds to set them up.
“I am ready to fund additional area commands in
Lagos, so I am requesting that we should do two
additional commands in Lagos, one in Ikorodu
and another one in Badagry. There is a need for
us to pay more attention to the Ikorodu axis
because of the kind of reports that we are getting
from there,” the Governor said.
Justin Bieber Won't Be Charged For Knocking A Paparazzo Down
Justin Bieber can breathe a sigh of relief because
cops are not recommending any criminal charges
against him for accidentally running his truck into
a paparazzo.
Law enforcement sources say they've determined
Bieber had no intent to strike the paparazzo when
he left church last week.
Bieber's monster truck had knocked the
photographer to the ground on that particular
Cops further say the photog was in the wrong for
standing in the street, but since that's a minor
crime he won't be charged because it wasn't
committed in the presence of police. Fair enough
on both sides? Let's hope their won;t be a civil
Faye Keeps Mum Over O.J. Simpson's Prison Release
Just he best thing to do! Faye Resnick -the best
friend of the woman O.J. Simpson killed seems
unhinged over his impending release from prison.
TMZ got Nicole Brown Simpson's best friend in
WeHo Wednesday leaving Catch restaurant and
she made it clear she has NOTHING to say about
O.J.'s entrance back into society.
Faye's got reason to fear Simpson. During his
murder trial O.J. and his legal team tried to
blame Nicole's death on her, falsely suggesting a
Colombian drug cartel may have slit Nicole's
throat because Faye didn't pay a cocaine bill.
Photos: Leicester City complete signing of Nigerian striker, Kelechi Iheanacho from Manchester City
Leicester City have completed the signing of
Super Eagles of Nigeria striker, Kelechi
Iheanacho from Manchester City for £25million
on a five-year contract.
The young footballer who was unveiled today,
said: 'It feels good and I'm happy to be part of
this team.
'I know the ambition of the team and speaking
with the manager, he let me know what I need
to do – to help the team achieve what they
want. I was convinced and I'm happy to be
'I was happy speaking with the manager,
knowing what the team wants. It gives me more
confidence that I will fit in this team and
hopefully I'll achieve a lot.'
The 20-year-old who will wear No 8 jersey for
the club could make his debut in their friendly
against Borussia Monchengladbach on Friday.
Bus Conductors In Uniform Will Guarantee Commuters’ Safety – Amaechi
The introduction of uniforms for bus conductors
will ensure safety and bring more development to
the nation’s transport sector, the Minister of
Transportation, Mr Rotimi Amaechi, has said.
Amaechi spoke at the inauguration of the official
uniforms for members of the Bus Conductor
Association of Nigeria (BCAN), Lagos State
chapter, today in Lagos.
The minister, represented by Mrs Anthonia Ekpa,
the Director, Road Transport and Mass Transit
Administration in the ministry, expressed his
support for the initiative.
“You have to change the perception of the
people; you have to create a positive
impression about yourself and make yourself
“ This is because you are the first point of contact
to the public,’’ Amaechi told the bus conductors.
He urged women to register as members of the
association in view of the positive image being
carved out base on the current attitudinal change
and transformation introduced into conducting.
Also, Mr Bobboi Kangama, the National President,
Trade Union Congress (TUC), said that
introduction of official uniform for the conductor
was to ensure safety and security of the
“This situation has become so disturbing and
worrisome that if urgent and pragmatic measures
are not taken, the safety and security of
commuters will be greatly hampered.
“Bus conductors are being fingered as the culprits
and accessories to the commission of crimes
which have over the years been plagued with the
twin evil of “one chance’’ and kidnapping through
the use of commercial buses,” he said.
In his remarks, the National President of the
association, Prince Israel Adeshola, said that
introduction of official uniform was to tackle the
security challenges facing transporters in the
“Gone are the days when people attribute
thuggery and touting to conductors, we are now
organised with over 4,000 members in Lagos
State,’’ Adeshola said.
He said that the uniform would ensure proper
service delivery to the commuters.
President Buhari calls Osun state governor, Rauf Aregbesola, to commiserate with him over the death of his mother
President Buhari today commiserated with the
Governor of Osun State, Rauf Aregbesola, over
the passing away of his mother, Saratu
Aregbesola, which happened on August 1st.
In a telephone conversation today, President
Buhari expressed sympathy with the governor,
describing his mother “as a great woman who
was the pillar of discipline to her children.’’
According to President Buhari, the matriarch of
the Aregbesola family deserved great honor for
“the sacrifices she made to bring up her
children on the path of sound moral character
and commitment to good reputation."
He said the governor's mother contributed
immeasurably to the building of a respectable
pedigree for her family by raising disciplined
and humble children like Governor Aregbesola
He prayed that Allah would bless her soul and
reward all her good deeds with paradise, and
also comfort the family she left behind.
Its official, PSG announce signing of Barcelona Superstar Neymar for 5- years in World Record deal
After weeks of speculations, ? Paris Saint-
Germain have officially completed the signing of
Brazilian superstar Neymar from Barcelona and
in the process more than doubled the previous
world transfer record after triggering the 25-
year-old's enormous €222m release clause.
This is the first time in history that a French
club has broken the record, with Spanish, Italian
and English clubs responsible for all but three
world record deals since the very first £100
transfer was completed 124 years ago in 1893.
Neymar signed a lucrative 5-year contract with
PSG after leaving Barcelona's pre-season
programme earlier this week.
On completion of the transfer, Neymar said 'I am
extremely happy to join Paris Saint-
Germain. Since I arrived in Europe, the club has
always been one of the most competitive and
most ambitious. And the biggest challenge, what
most motivated me to join my new teammates
is to help the club to conquer the titles that
their fans want. I played 4 seasons in Europe
and I feel ready to take the challenge. From
today, I will do everything I can to help my new
teammates, to open up new horizons for my
club and to bring happiness to its millions of
supporters around the world'.
Four police officers dismissed from service for burgling the Abuja home of former president Jonathan
The Federal Capital Territory (FCT), police
command has dismissed four police Sergeants
found guilty of burgling the Gwarimpa, residence
of former president Goodluck Jonathan. The
dismissed police sergeants are Sgt Musa Musa,
with force number 436691, John Nanpak, F/No.
235422 Sgt John Nanpak, Ogah Audu, F/No.
261898 and Gabriel Ugah, F/No. 425210.
The command in a statement by the police
public relations officer, Anjuri Manzah, said the
four policemen guarding the home of the former
president were found guilty of stealing of some
properties in the building and selling the items
off to prospective buyers.
The statement in part reads “In fulfillment of the
promise by the FCT Police Command to make
public its findings on the investigation of the
case of theft at the Gwarimpa residence of
Former President Jonathan GCFR, the Command
wishes to state that in line with first schedule of
Police Act and Regulation 370 Cap 19, the
policemen guarding the house have been tried
in an orderly room proceeding and found
culpable of the offence. Sequel to the out-come
of the orderly room proceeding, the
Commissioner of Police FCT, CP Musa Kimo psc
has approved the immediate dismissal of the
following police Rank and Files from the Nigeria
Police Force".
Whao! So Jay-Z lied about his album’s numbers? According to BuzzAngle, Jay-Z’s current album, 4:44, actually sold much less than 500,000 ...
Cristiano Ronaldo and his expectant girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez were spotted enjoying some romantic time-out on board a yacht on Tu...
A 42-year-old woman, Constant Muchena, has raised alarm accusing her father-in-law, 72-year-old Mubare Chiringa, of using ‘African juju’ to...